Since 2013 Canlandıranlar Association organizes Canlandıranlar International Animation Film Festival and screens independent animation films from all over the world. Selections of Annecy, View, O!pla festivals and Canlandıranlar Talent Camp films are screened at Canlandıranlar Festival. Festival also hosts talks, panels, workshops and industry meetings. Canlandıranlar Association also organizes the ASIFA event, International Animation Day. These two organizations enable the local and international animation filmmakers to meet and form new strong bounds. Up until now these organizations hosted acclaimed names from animation world such as Nelson Sheen, Bordeaux, Vesna Dovnikovic, Michel Ocelot, Jacques Remy Girerd, Alessandro Rak, Mirsad Ajanovic, Jean-François Laguionie, Anik Le Ray, Regina Pessoa, Abi Feijo, Milad Movahedi, Jul, Anastasia Dimitri, Vasilis Karamitsanisl and many more… Homage section of the festival has hosted Meral Erez, Tonguç Yasar, Emre Senan, Tan Oral and Orhan Büyükdoğan.
Canlandıranlar Festival also holds a short animation film competition. Canlandıranlar Film Competition, which started nationally, has been organized internationally since 2020.
Besides these, the association organizes Canlandıranlar Talent Camp.