Morning Grass

Morning Grass
Alina Milkina
04:07 | Netherlands

While thinking too much about what future brings, on a summer day young Yacob meets a spirit in the fields. This spirit takes him into the flash forwards of his life, showing that the flow of that life is unconventionally beautiful.

Screenings and Awards

Alina Milkina
Alina Milkina

Alina Milkina is a Ukrainian film director and animator. While growing up in Eastern Ukraine, Alina used to watch a lot of USSR animation which influenced her future signature as a visual storyteller. She graduated from Minerva Academy in Groningen with a gravure printing techniques specialisation, where she started experimenting with analogue animation and storytelling spaces. She obtained the master’s degree in AKV st. Joost in’s- Hertogenbosch in animation.


Morning Grass Morning Grass Morning Grass Morning Grass

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