
Tide | Maré
Joana Rosa Bragança
14:05 | Portugal |

Brought by the waves of the sea, a fantastic being of gigantic size discovers a pleasant place of great natural beauty, and makes it his home, becoming the guardian and soul of the place. There, he meets a cheerful little boy with whom he creates a bond of friendship forged in sharing the pleasure that both feel in living in harmony with nature. But one day, peace is threatened by a polluting and noisy tide.

Joana Rosa Bragança
About Director
Joana Rosa Bragança
Sinopse: Joana Rosa Bragança (1986) é uma artista plástica e ilustradora que vive e trabalha actualmente em Olhão, a cidade onde cresceu. Estudou Pintura e Ilustração em Évora e em Lisboa, e tem exposto o seu trabalho colectiva e individualmente em Portugal e no estrangeiro, assim como publicado em livros, fanzines, jornais e revistas. Nas suas obras mistura com frequência sonhos, humor e delicadeza, sendo as aguarelas e a tinta-da-china os seus materiais de eleição do momento, para além da gravura em linóleo e, mais recentemente, a animação. Synopsis: Joana Rosa Bragança (1986) is a portuguese artist and illustrator who currently lives and works in Olhão (Algarve/Portugal), the city where she grew up. She studied Fine Arts and Illustration in Évora and Lisbon, and has exhibited her work collectively and individually in Portugal and abroad. She’s published in books, fanzines, newspapers and magazines. In her works she often mixes dreams, humor and delicacy, with watercolors and china ink being (her’s favorite materials of the moment), in addition to linoleum engraving and, more recently, animation.

Tide Tide Tide Tide