Wait for me in a dream

Wait for me in a dream | Czekaj na mnie we śnie
Natalia Durszewicz
14 dk | Poland

Wait for me in a dream is a poetic story about an elderly married couple shown with the use of painterly animation. Isolated from the world and condemned to loneliness, Bronka and Zygfryd experience a slow defragmentation of their reality caused by the woman’s illness and the adversities associated with it. On their final journey, they experience moments of regret, pain and even repulsion. However, for all their worth they try to remember the love that used to last between them.


Natalia Durszewicz
Natalia Durszewicz


Wait for me in a dream Wait for me in a dream Wait for me in a dream Wait for me in a dream Wait for me in a dream Wait for me in a dream Wait for me in a dream Wait for me in a dream Wait for me in a dream Wait for me in a dream

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